Duchenne Clinic in Dallas
The CureDuchenne Clinic in the greater Dallas, TX area is providing high-quality care, in both Spanish and English, for patients living with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy from childhood through adulthood that will never deny care due to lack of insurance.
Texas has the highest percentage of uninsured residents in the nation, with Dallas being the second least-insured large city in the country. Large racial disparities also exist in insurance rates with Hispanic individuals being uninsured at a rate of nearly 38 percent, nearly double the state average.
The CureDuchenne Clinic at the Neurology & Neuromuscular Care Center, led by Dr. Diana Castro, will provide neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, nutrition, physical therapy, durable medical equipment, diagnostics, and chest radiography for both pediatric and adult Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy patients.
Dr. Castro sees a great need for such services in the Dallas area, estimating that 30 percent of the families she sees are uninsured and 45 percent are on Medicaid, which is not accepted at all care centers but will be accepted at the CureDuchenne Clinic. CureDuchenne has granted $900,000 over three years to support the clinic’s Duchenne and Becker operations.
