Physical therapy can make all the difference in Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Physical therapy for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy is unique and requires specific knowledge of the disorder to provide appropriate treatment. Treating a patient with Duchenne or Becker without the proper understanding of the disease puts the patient at risk of further muscle damage and function loss. When applied correctly, physical therapy treatment has the potential to improve the lives and slow the progression of some of the disease impairments. CureDuchenne welcomes you to use our programs and resources to stay up to date with standard treatment.
CureDuchenne Physical Therapy Program
CureDuchenne offers a high level program of educational opportunities and resources for physical therapists and allied healthcare professionals who treat those with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy. Our goal is to help improve the lives of those living with Duchenne and Becker by advancing the knowledge of those who are treating them.