With a mission to cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy
CureDuchenne breaks the traditional charitable mold and balances passion with business acumen. We will fulfill our mission to cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy with our innovative venture philanthropy model that funds groundbreaking research, early diagnosis and treatment access. With pioneering education and support programs, our organization drives real change for those with living with the disease and their loved ones.
The CureDuchenne one-to-one program provides meetings with our scientists, physical therapists, parents, fundraising team and family support resource coordinators. Email us at Cares@CureDuchenne.org to set up a time that works with your schedule. Together, we will cure Duchenne muscular dystrophy!
Making an Impact on Duchenne
Accelerating Curative treatments
Since the inception of CureDuchenne, life expectancy for Duchenne has increased by a decade.
Funding Critical Clinical Trials
18 projects funded by CureDuchenne have progressed to clinical trials.
Making an Impact
We’ve raised over $50 million for research, education and care.
Accelerating a Cure
CureDuchenne contributed early funding for the first FDA-approved Duchenne drug.
Working Towards the Future
Our model has leveraged over $3 billion in follow-on funding for future programs from investors and biotech companies.

Duchenne is a devastating muscle disease.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD) is the most common form of muscular dystrophy, occurring in approximately 1:5,000 male births. Those affected with DMD lose their ability to walk, feed themselves, breathe independently and succumb to heart failure.
But there’s hope through new pharmacological and gene-based therapies. You can help make a difference in finding a cure.
Message from Duchenne mom, Debra Miller
Founder & CEO of CureDuchenne
Receiving the diagnosis for Duchenne was the scariest time of my life and I know all about the emotions you are feeling. Equipping yourself with the knowledge you need to get the best care for your child is the best thing you can do. Connecting with other families going through the same thing can also be incredibly helpful.
Once I had the confidence that I was going down the right path of care for my son, I founded the nonprofit CureDuchenne and dedicated my life to raising funds to find a cure and to helping other families navigate care and clinical trials. Consider all of us at CureDuchenne as your team that is striving to make the future better for your child. Schedule a call with our experts HERE.