Cattle sale at BLS in Billings, MT to raise money for Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy research.

At CureDuchenne, we’re moved by the strength and dedication of the Heaton family. Paul and Laura Heaton, along with their children Elyse and Grant, are an embodiment of hope and spirit in the face of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

When Grant was diagnosed with Duchenne at the age of three, the Heaton family confronted the reality of Duchenne. Duchenne doesn’t just affect muscle strength; it impacts every aspect of life, leading to challenges, including the likelihood of being wheelchair-bound by early adolescence and significantly shortened life expectancies.

But the Heatons didn’t let this diagnosis define their journey. They chose action!

The Heaton family have channeled their energy into raising funds for research. They’ve become champions in the fight against Duchenne, spearheading a fundraiser that harnesses the strength of their community for a greater cause.

Every dollar raised through this initiative is directed towards Duchenne research, fueling our shared mission to find a cure and transformative treatments.

We invite you to join the Heatons and CureDuchenne on September 19, 2024 in Billings at BLS. Together, we stand against Duchenne, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible and forging a path toward a future with treatments for all.

Your support, your presence, and your contribution are more than donations; they are the building blocks of a future where every child, like Grant, has the chance to thrive.

To donate cattle, download the form below, fill out and send it to


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