Aggies for CureDuchenne (ACD) is a club focused on bringing joy and service to those affected by Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Fundraisers and fun events will be important and gratifying aspects of our club in order to raise awareness on campus. Duchenne muscular dystrophy affects males at a young age, so our main focus will be working one-on-one with local boys who have the degenerative disease. Our goal is to establish volunteer service hours, so you can earn community service hours while engaging and bonding with the local Duchenne community. Annually, ACD will host a major event uniting the community and campus together in the name of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Davis athletics, Greek life, and other organizations on campus will be working hand in hand with us to spread the word about Aggies for CureDuchenne and our causes. We will not have weekly meetings, but we will maximize our time together and do a lot of our work online and in other convenient ways. Aggies for CureDuchenne may not be a major time investment, but the impact and reward our club brings to everyone involved will be immense. We are here to bring hope to those discouraged, happiness to those less fortunate, and community to all.
Contact us by reaching out to or you can find us on Facebook and Instagram @aggiesforcureduchenne