Finding a cure, one painted pinkie at a time
This fall you can help raise awareness and funds to find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy – all by painting your pinkie nail blue!
How to Participate
1. Paint your pinkie nail blue
Need blue nail polish?
2. Take your blue nail polish to
Social Events
Errands, events and eateries – take your blue pinkies out on the town! Everyone will want to sport a blue pinkie to help find a cure!
Grab your blue nail polish and get painting at work – your company can even create its own fundraising team to compete with others! Don’t forget to ask your company if they would like to participate in corporate matching.
Got an after-school event? Get out your blue nail polish and have fellow parents and your kids’ friends join in the cause!
Family Gatherings
From your weekly meet-ups to special occasions, get your friends and family to join you in supporting the search for a cure – one pinkie at a time!
Need promotional items to share?
3. Create
Create a personal PinkiesUp to CureDuchenne fundraising page, join a team or donate to a team to raise funds to accelerate science that could lead to a cure.
Need help creating your page?
4. Tell
Tell your friends and family about Duchenne muscular dystrophy and why it’s important to find a cure. Offer to paint their pinkie nail for a donation to your Pinkies Up page!
5. Wear
Wear your PinkiesUp T-shirt and fill people in on why you are wearing it!
Want a “Pinkies Up” T-shirt?

6. Share
Share a picture of yourself with your pinkie in the air on social media with the hashtags #pinkiesuptocureduchenne and/or #letscureduchenne to help create awareness of Duchenne. Tell your followers about why finding a cure for Duchenne is important to you and ask for donations to CureDuchenne. Every dollar helps!
Do you want more Pinkies Up social media assets?
And don’t forget to search PinkiesUp in stickers section to add Pinkies Up stickers to your Instagram stories!
Why Participate
With every dollar you donate, you’re helping CureDuchenne continue our mission to find a cure for Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Watch the video to learn how we use our business acumen to strategically invest in CureDuchenne efforts that make the greatest impact and yield a positive return – helping patients and their families while bringing our cause closer to a cure every day.