
FibroGen Industry Presentation

FibroGen accelerates the delivery of innovative treatments that operate at the cutting edge of cancer research. Our teams have identified and are developing potential first-in-class medicines for the treatment of life-threatening conditions such as metastatic pancreatic cancer, locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC), and chemotherapy-induced anemia (CIA). We are keenly focused on leveraging the body’s natural pathways to treat cancer and its related conditions.

Bassem Elmankabadi, MD, ABWS

Executive Medical Director, Clinical Development (Fibrosis/Oncology)


2021 FUTURES Quality of Life Panel: Easing the Burden

Focused on engaging families in conversations about the load they carry and how to manage life as a caregiver.

Taylor Berhow, MSW, MPA

Social Worker and Neuro-behavioral Health Specialist

University of Utah Health

Tiffany Cook, MS, CCC-SLP

Senior Director

CureDuchenne Cares

Richard Kravitz, MD

Professor of Pediatric Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine

Duke University

Marissa Penrod


The Duchenne Family Assistance Program

Lori Safford

Duchenne Mother and Advocate

2021 FUTURES Quality of Life Panel: Defining Happiness

Focused on the intersection between physical needs and living a fulfilling life.

Tiffany Cook, MS, CCC-SLP

Senior Director

CureDuchenne Cares

Doug Levine, PT

CureDuchenne Certified Physical Therapist


Pradeep P.A. Mammen, MD, FACC, FAHA

Associate Professor of Medicine and Co-Director

Senator Paul D. Wellstone Muscular Dystrophy Cooperative Research Center, Director for Translational Research for the Advanced Heart Failure and Transplant Cardiology Program, UT Southwestern Medical Center

Tom McNalley, MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics

University of California San Francisco Benioff's Children's Hospitals

Brenda Wong, MD

Professor of Pediatrics and Neurology and Director

UMass Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy Program at the University of Massachusetts Medical School

2021 FUTURES Quality of Life Panel: Cognition in Duchenne

Focused on cognitive abilities and psychological wellness in individuals living with Duchenne.

Tiffany Cook, MS, CCC-SLP

Senior Director

CureDuchenne Cares

Missy Dixon, MS, PhD

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Divisions of Pediatric Neurology, Psychiatry and Behavioral Health

University of Utah

Danielle Forrest, OTR, OTD

Occupational Therapist III

Children’s Health and Rehabilitation Services

Matthew Harmelink, MD

Pediatric Neurologist

Medical College of Wisconsin

Mathula Thangarajh, MD, PhD, FAAN

Assistant Professor of Neurology

Virginia Commonwealth University

2021 FUTURES Quality of Life Panel: Making Decisions

Focused on empowering families to make informed decisions about their child’s care / personal care across all junctures of the Duchenne journey.

John Brandsema, MD

Child Neurologist and Neuromuscular Section Head

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Tiffany Cook, MS, CCC-SLP

Senior Director

CureDuchenne Cares

Michael Kelly, PhD

Chief Scientific Advisor


Sheryl Marrazzo

Duchenne Mother, Grandmother and Advocate

4 Jake's Sake | CureDuchenne

Christina Trout, RN, MSN

Advanced Practice Nurse, Neuromuscular Program

Department of Pediatrics, University of Iowa Stead Family Children’s Hospital

Jennifer Wallace Valdes, PT

CureDuchenne Certified Physical Therapist

CureDuchenne Physical Therapy Program