Beginning the Journey - diagnosed 0-3 years

Linking the Community to a Cure

CureDuchenne Link is a centralized data hub which combines clinical data, biosamples, and patient reported data for individuals with Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy, as well as carriers. Information and samples provided by participants are coded and available for use by approved researchers across the world.

Ana Christensen, MPH

Lead Project Manager, Strategic Solutions


Navigating Duchenne treatment: AGAMREE & Catalyst Pathways

Join us for this pre-recorded presentation and Q&A discussing to learn about a new FDA-approved treatment for Duchenne muscular dystrophy. During the session, Catalyst Pharmaceuticals will provide an overview of how this novel corticosteroid works and its efficacy in Duchenne. You will also learn about the journey to comprehensive support and access through the well-established Catalyst Pathways patient support program.

Alison Anderson, MS, CGC

Medical Affairs Director

Catalyst Pharmaceuticals

Next Generation Technology Panel

A brief overview of the rationale behind next generation technology, as well as presentations from the companies in this space. Moderated discussion included.

Erin Brubaker

Chief Operating Officer

Code Bio

Michael Kelly, PhD

Chief Scientific Advisor


Joe McIntosh, MD

Chief Medical Officer

Gennao Bio

Genine Winslow, MSc

CEO & President

Chameleon Biosciences

Panel de discusión: El impacto de Duchenne en la familia

Este panel discutirá los portadores genéticos de Duchenne, cómo comunicar el diagnóstico a otros y las experiencias con la planificación familiar.

Gloria Orozco

Presidenta, Coalición Latinoamericana DMD/DMB

Coalición Latinoamericana DMD/BMD

Graciela Méndez


Enlace Distrofia Muscular Duchenne Becker AC​

Sarah G. Seth, MPH, CGC

Consejera Genética Certificada

Hospital de Niños de San Antonio

Pilares del viaje temprano

Esta sesión está dirigida a familias/cuidadores de niños y adolescentes con Duchenne. Cubre cuatro pilares del viaje temprano de Duchenne: atención multidisciplinaria, esteroides, nutrición y participación en ensayos clínicos, y es seguido por una sesión de discusión/preguntas y respuestas.

Kindann Fawcett, PhD

Post Doctoral Fellow

University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

Barry Byrne, MD, PhD

Professor and Associate Chair

University of Florida, Department of Pediatrics

Dr. Aravindhan Veerapandiyan

Pediatric Neurologist

Arkansas Children's Hospital

Diana Castro, MD

Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Neurology and Neurotherapeutics

University of Texas Southwestern